Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas tree.

Now it's time for gingerbread! (Pepparkakor in swedish)

Christmas eve tomorrow!?

My grandparents are here, my gifts are wrapped in paper and now the only thing that I have to do is waiting for tomorrow. And clean my room.

Thursday 22 December 2011


Thursday 15 December 2011

I don't know why I try to write something, because I don't even have time for it. I have to run to my bus and go to the city center (I live in a very big city. Not.) for my art class. It's the last art class for 2011 so we're haveing a party. Or it isn't a party, we're just bringing snacks.

A man just came to the door and tried to sell some Christmas things. Intresting.

Now I really have to go! 


Wednesday 14 December 2011


Doesn't it look nice?
Today when I went to Citymarket to buy some cheap Pirkka-sweets, I saw some nice light-things ,you know like small lamps on a whire? Anyway, I'm happy I bought the light-thing, I love it!

And since I bought it, I had to clean my room so the whole room turned in to a peaceful place.. Or something..

Good night people!

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Where I live, we have this tradition every December 13th, called Lucia. It's hard to describe what the day is about in a few words, but yeah.. It's singing, girls in white dresses and a lot of candels. Try to imagine!

Monday 12 December 2011


In Finland this time of the year is very dark. Where I live the sun goes up around 10, maybe? And then it goes down at 14-15? I actually don't know, because today when I went to school at 9 it was dark outside. And when I left school 15-ish it was dark. In the winter I just never see the sun. Which means I'm tired all the time. Especially when I can't sleep at night..

Please be Christmas break soon.

I ♥ School (and my school bus)

I had Math class today. I had almost done all the exersises for today (about 50% went wrong) and I was relieved. Well, guess what? Our lovely teacher gave us about 20 more exersises. Until tomorrow. That's why I've been counting math for a few hours now. If someone was wondering.

And yeah, btw: my bus home was late today. I came home about 16:45. Not late at all.

And we have a lot of snow. Ok, maybe not a lot - yet. Today about 5 cm. Last year this time we had about 50 cm. Snow is disturbing.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Scott Pilgrim. And stuff.

Actually, I've wanted to see this movie for years. And because I don't download movies and don't like to spend money either (I know I'm strange) I had to wait for it to air on television. Which was yesterday. I watched it yesterday. And again today, with my brother. It was kind of awsome. I didn't like all the fights but it had a lot of humour which made the movie even more awsome. And of course, I like Michael Cera. He's a great actor. All of he's characters are awsome. Like Juno and Nick and Norahs infinite playlist. Those are my favorites.

Well, what I'm trying to tell you is: watch Scott pilgrim. It's awsome.

Miss Frost

One of my personal favorites.


My stomach doesn't like me. At all. Thank God painkillers exists.

I tried to do my math homework. I've got a lot of math homework at the moment since the matriculation exam in math is this spring. And as you know Finland is the best country in the world when it comes to math. That's why I've got fourteen books to read for the exam. Yeah, you read right: fourteen math books. It's amazing.

Some of the books are missing.

A new start.

The reason I started this blog was the matriculation exam. The matriculation exam was in October. But I made it with a good grade! Now I'm actually thinking of starting blogging here again. I don't know if I'll make it this time, but we'll see!

Once again - Welcome.

Tuesday 26 July 2011


I have two blogs. That's why I don't write here very often. It will be better, I promise.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


I have been on my summer cottage for a few days, but today I came home because I had work to do.

Sunday 17 July 2011


I should really clean now, my family are coming home any hour now. Friday night was nice, I took the picture with my phone.

Friday 15 July 2011

Going out to night

One year ago, Summeranza, London. Amazing party!

Yeah, me and my clan are going out dancing tonight. Right now I'm waiting for my nailpolish to dry and then I will try to get my hair to something.. Yeah. 

Thursday 14 July 2011


Name: Ida
Length: 163/164 cm
Shoe size: 38
Haircolour: brown
Brothers/Sisters: one younger brother


Song you listened to? Simple Plan - Generation
Song that got stuck in your head? All of the lights
Person you called? My mom
Person to call you? My Grandmother, hah..
TV-show you watched? How I met your mother
Person you thought about? Dream on, I'm not telling you.

Shampoo I use: Depends on where I am
Shoes I use: In the summer: Sneakers, Flip Flops and Gladiator Sandals
I am scared of: Falling backwards in stairs


Times have you been in love? Don't know
Times have you been heartbroken? Depends how you count it
Hearts have you broken? I don't think I have broken any?
Times has your name been in the newspaper? Don't know exactly, but a couple of times..
Scars do you have? I have one near my eye, my neighbor smashed me with a tennis racket when I was eight. Yeah.


Drink? Coca Cola
Candy? Depends on the moment
Cartoon? Asterix
Chewing gum? Jenkki
Colour? All colours are nice in their own ways!
Day in the week? Saturday
Café? Othello
Country? Finland and the United Kingdom
Season? Summer
Store? H&M and more
Magazine? Depends


Slept in your bed? Me.
Made you cry? Some movie actor...
Went to the cinema with you? My cousins
Sent you e-mail? Some Commercial


Said "I love you" and meant it? Yes
Been on an official place in pajama? Yes, haha..
Kept a secret? Of course
Planned your week sched? Yes
Cried during a movie? Of course I have.
Been on a scene? Yes, and I loved it!
Thought "now I'm dying"? Don't think so?
Left your teeth unbrushed? Yes. And I didn't like it.

What time is it? 4.25pm
Apples or bananas?
Red or blue?
Spring or fall?
What are you going to do after this? Make some food.
What dish is the last you ate? Pasta.
Are you bored? Haha Yes.
What sound is the last you heard? Sound from the ventilation system..

Do you believe in love at first sight? Don't know yet..
Do you ever want kids and in that case, how many? two, maybe?
What's most important in friendship? Loyality, trust

What languages do you know? 1 Swedish, 2 English, 3 Finnish
About your bedroom? I've got two Dark brown walls with details in lighter brown and silver. Green details in the rest of the room and lots of photos.
Nicknames? Don't have any
Pets? I have a dog
What makes you happy? My friends.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Another day

I'm sitting here at home waiting for my friends to join me and give me some therapy after my work today. Haha. It was quite bad weather and it took some time before I was ready, because I had no motivation. So my friends are coming here. 

Yeah, don't know what else to say. This blog suck, I know.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Today I actually managed to read a little bit for the test. Not very much thought, because I came up with the idea of shopping. So after I had been visiting my grandmother I went to the shops in the center of my hometown, and guess what? I found a pair of black jeans for only 7,50€! 

Well, when I drove home it suddenly started raining really bad. Like, I couldn't see anything even if I had the windshield wipers on the highest level. And when I ran from the car to the front door (it took like 10 seconds maximum) I looked like I had been swimming with my clothes on. I was really wet.

Monday 11 July 2011

New week.

Today I've been to the library and I ran in to a friend (I don't know if you can say so in English?) I was also visiting my grandmother. She came home from the hospital and needed some food from the store. Then I made some food for her, she didn't eat it.

Well then I bought some food for me too. I met a friend in the store so we planned what to eat and then we drove home an cooked tortillas. It tasted good, and it was nice not eating alone. After eating we tried to study for our matriculation exam in social studies. It didn't work very well, but we red newspapers after all. Then we ate some ice cream and watched television. 

That was my day, arrividerci!

Sunday 10 July 2011

Dear John.

So yesterday I watched some movies and the one I liked the most was Dear John. A lot of feelings, I recommend it if you want to cry, I f you don't want to cry: don't watch it.

When I had seen the movie I went out for a night walk in the forest. In 2am. I like the air at night.

Saturday 9 July 2011

My job.

I don't know how is it where you live, but in Finland it's very common for students to work during their summer break. I applied for a few - without result. Then suddenly I did get a call and a woman offered me a job as a promotional mailer twice a week. And I'm doing it by bike. The salary is quite bad, but I look at the bright side: I get paid for doing my work-out!

Actually, it's kind of a nice job when it's nice weather outside. I ride my bike and listen to music. That's not too bad.

Today, when I was working I herd the thunder coming closer and closer, so I left the work half done. But luckily I only have good areas left, and not very much to lug with me either. 

The weather is nicer now - better get going!

Friday 8 July 2011

Well, it's summer.

It's hot in here. Really. Or at least hot for being in Finland. It's over 30 degrees and it's almost impossible to wear anything more than shorts and bikini. Now I  have put on a shirt because my neighbor came and talk to me...

Soon I will take my dad's car (not the yellow one, sorry..) to the hospital where I'm going to visit my grandmother, and then my friends and I will visit an other friend at her work at her parents grillhouse. I haven't actually been there before, so it will be fun.

See you later, adjö!

Thursday 7 July 2011

A thursday night on my own.

Since my whole family is gone sailing in the archipelago in Southern Finland, I'm home alone for a couple of weeks. I love being home alone - I'm able to do all the spontaneous stuff I can't do when the house is full of people. Or, I could do it then as well, but I don't want to. 

I think I'm a night person. After 12 at night I always come up with a lot fun things to do. Sometimes I go out running. Yeah, really. People who know me know I hate everything that involves running. 

There is, of course, bad things about being home by myself: I have to do all the work. Doing dishes, vacuuming, mow and other garden work, cooking and so on.

Back to the spontaneous stuff: I feel like baking something. (I suck at baking, everybody knows it.)

This is what I had for lunch today.

Typical Finnish summer food: Smoked fish (this is perch) boiled fresh potatoes, eaten with butter, vegetables and a glass of milk. Yummie.

Ok, so I have a new blog. Again.

Well, I guess I have to introduce myself. I'm eighteen. I live in Finland. I speak Swedish as my first language. I enjoy drawing and photographing and music and math. And I drive a yellow car. It's my mom's car, but anyway, I drive it when I need it.

Normally I write blogs in Swedish, but the reason I'm starting this blog is because I'm writing English in the matriculation exam this autumn, so I thought writing a blog in English would be a good way of practice.

I guess I will put some of my photos here as well, so you can enjoy them too. 

That's all for now, på återseende!